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Winter: A Time to Take Stock and Prep for Spring

After an unusually warm Fall here in Kentucky, the temperatures have finally shifted to something resembling Winter weather. As we move toward the holiday season, I’m ready to grab a warm beverage and blanket, sit on the couch, and take some time to appreciate all that I have. It’s a time of rest but also a time to take stock. While I’m giving thanks, I’m also using this time to make plans and to consider next steps, to think about how I might need to prepare for Spring.

So, too, as we near the end of the FY22 grant landscape, this is a great time to take stock of the gains from this year and where you can grow in the coming year.

Most funding agencies have a fairly regular grant opportunity schedule. (You might even be trying to make those January deadlines–please email if you need some support!) With Spring deadlines on the horizon, it seems worthwhile to grab that warm beverage this Winter and make some plans. Some things to consider:

  • Is our currently funded R&D on schedule and on budget?

  • Will we need additional funding to complete our objectives?

  • Which objectives remain unfunded?

  • What Spring funding opportunities are likely to dovetail with our unfunded objectives?

  • Are there additional partnerships that would support our objectives and our ability to win funding opportunities?

It’s also a good time to look at that feedback from applications that didn’t get funded. There’s a wealth of information to mine in those summary statements. At first glance, you might be frustrated, looking at what seem to be contradictory complaints from reviewers, but reading this feedback carefully and objectively will help you prepare for the next round or even other opportunities. Having written countless summary statements over the years, I have insight and experience to help you “read between the lines'' to determine where to focus your attention in your next application.

As you take stock this Winter, I hope you’ll reach out for help with your plans for Spring. Artemis Editing can help you canvas the coming grant landscape for ideal opportunities, clarify your objectives and funding needs, and address reviewer concerns from unfunded applications. Please contact me for a complimentary one-hour planning session. I’ll see you on Zoom, hot cup of wassail in hand!

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